Question Title * 1. How effective is your organization at identifying leadership potential? We’re terrible! We get it wrong more often than we get it right. We get it right more often than not. We consistently find rock stars! Question Title * 2. What information does your organization use in its succession planning efforts? Performance data Recommendations Personality assessments Cognitive ability assessments Situational judgement assessments Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. What information do you wish your organization had available for succession planning efforts? Performance data Recommendations Personality assessment results Cognitive ability assessment results Situational judgement assessments Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. What challenges does your organization face in succession planning? We are unable to identify candidates (i.e. not enough potential talent for succession). We do not have quality information about potential candidates (i.e. little or biased information). We find it difficult to develop candidates to become future leaders. We struggle to retain high potential talent. We see succession planning as an “HR problem” (other departments have little input). We engage in succession planning when there is an immediate need. Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. What are the common pitfalls of leaders in your organization? Lack of self-awareness Poor communication Inability to manage change Operating too independently Focusing too much on day-to-day issues Managing the diverse needs of team members Avoiding conflict Failing to consider resource constraints Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. What traits do you look for in potential leaders? Adaptability Coaching skills Problem solving skills Resiliency Impulse control Interpersonal skills Confidence Optimism Authenticity Independence Empathy Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. As work environments change, our current leaders are able to adapt. Not at all! They typically struggle. They do ok. They’ve had no problem adapting as needed! Question Title * 8. What characteristics set your great leaders apart from others? Done