Australian Institute of Landscape Architects Bushfire Fundraiser

Does your school, home, business, playgroup, community centre have an outdoor space that needs some attention? 

Would you like a professionally designed concept plan to give you some inspiration and direction for this space? Maybe you need a plan to jazz up a grant application?

Would you like to help save wildlife and rehabilitate habitat affected by the current bushfires?

After being selected we will request a copy of your donation receipt which is to be a minimum of $350 to the WWF Bushfire Appeal (our preferred charity), however will happily accept donations to other bushfire appeals, and we will undertake a concept design for your school, business, community group, home for free! 

Our members are donating their services to provide up to 20 community groups with a concept design, this work is valued at thousands of dollars per design so you are getting a great deal and helping a good cause.

We ask that you check through the information below on project requirements.  If your project is suitable please fill out this briefing form. 

Project Requirements

As professional landscape architects it is very important for us that we have a good understanding of site conditions, client expectations and user needs.  In order to provide this service pro-bono and in a timeframe that can raise significant money quickly we are simplifying this process.  We will still be sending you a quality design but we ask for your understanding that this will be a high level concept design.

What it will include:
-          A professional design that shows key moves, ideas and inspiration for your site;
-          A suggestion for materials, types of plants, furniture etc;
-          An approach that is tailored to the budget and scope you outlined in your briefing form; and
-          General recommendation on what to do next.

What you will receive:
-          A digitial A3 coloured plan of you site, including images to assist in demonstrating the concept;
-          An A4 sheet providing additional advice to help you implement the design.

What we can’t do:
-          We can’t provide a guarantee on budget, but we will keep the budget you supply in mind.
-          We can’t provide detailed information on materials, plants or furniture, but we will give you enough guidance that you could seek advice form a nursery or supplier and get what you want.
-          We can’t assist with detailed advice such as water features, health of existing trees, electrical elements, playground safety or irrigation design for example – you will need to pay an additional consultant to formalise these, but we can put you in touch with the right person!

The A3 coloured plan will provide enough guidance for you to implement yourself (if you’re handy like that!) or to take to a few landscapers to get priced.  We’ll try to give you the best value for money we can.

The site should be approximately  120m x 100m maximum.  If you’re not sure you can check on Google Maps, just right click and press ‘measure distance’.  If the site is larger than this we can’t fit it onto an A3 page at a suitable scale.

Any questions?
Email or call Carmen on 0499 112 752. The deadline is cob 19 February 2020. Try to get your briefing submitted