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* 1. First Name

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* 2. Last Name

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* 3. Home Address

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* 4. City

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* 5. State

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* 6. Zip Code

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* 7. Email Address

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* 8. Preferred Phone Number

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* 9. Alternate Phone Number (Optional)

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* 10. Briefly describe your background in astronomy.

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* 11. Brieflyany experience you have working with students or the public.

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* 12. List any astronomy groups, organizations or affiliations.

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* 13. How did you hear about Project Astro?

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* 14. Which grade level(s) would you like to work with?

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* 15. Do you have any preferred areas of Tucson, specific schools or school districts you would like to partner with?

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* 16. Sometimes astronomers want to be paired with a specific teacher. If that is the case, please tell us which teacher you wish to work with.

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* 17. How far are you willing to travel to visit your teacher partner?

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* 18. Is there anything else you would like us to know?