P2P Archived Webinar Registration
Thank you for your interest in the archived recording of the P2P Webinar "Problems at the Polls." Persons with a disability may have issues that interfere with the voting process and make voting a difficult process. Find out how to overcome “Problems at the Polls” through this webinar presented by Nancy Ward, Co-Director of National Technical Assistance Center on Voting and Cognitive Access, Self Advocates Becoming Empowered (SABE) and Teresa Moore of Moore Advocacy. Learn how various issues such as being pressured to vote quickly or move through the registration process faster are easily addressed through your rights as a registered voter.
Running time: 45 minutes
To access the webinar, you will need to submit the following information. When finished, click on the box labeled DONE. A window will open with the URL address of the Webinar. Please copy and save the link for future reference.
For more information about Parent to Parent of Georgia visit www.p2pga.org or contact us at 1-800-229-2038.
Running time: 45 minutes
To access the webinar, you will need to submit the following information. When finished, click on the box labeled DONE. A window will open with the URL address of the Webinar. Please copy and save the link for future reference.
For more information about Parent to Parent of Georgia visit www.p2pga.org or contact us at 1-800-229-2038.