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In order to speak to all levels of Government on behalf of the Companies within our Prince Albert & District, we need your feedback. 

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* 3. How many employees has your company had to lay off?

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* 4. What is the anticipated change in your revenue? 

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* 5. Based on the existing economic environment, how long can your company survive?

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* 6. Is your company planning on taking advantage of any of the government programs available to assist business and their employees?

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* 7. Which of the Federal Government Programs will your company be applying for?

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* 8. With the above programs in place, what remains to be your biggest concern?

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* 9. How can the Federal Government help you better, during this time?

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* 10. How can the Provincial Government help you better, during this time? 

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* 11. How can the Municipal Government help you better, during this time?

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* 12. How can the Chamber help you better, during this time? 

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* 13. If you would like us to connect with you, please leave your information below 

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