Prevention Survey Part 1

The Bureau for Behavioral Health has been tasked by the West Virginia Legislature to identify prevention activities that are being implemented throughout the state. As a result, the Bureau is asking all community-based prevention organizations complete the following survey, keeping in mind all the various populations each organization serves.

The goal of this survey is to identify the reach of implemented prevention efforts, collect information on who is implementing prevention activities, and describe the prevention infrastructure and available resources in West Virginia. This project is being conducted in collaboration with the West Virginia Department of Education. Individual survey responses will be kept confidential.

While completing the survey, please include prevention programs or curriculum that reduce risk factors and those that increase protective factors.

If you have any questions regarding this survey please contact Laura Hunt by phone (304-356-4376) or email ( Thank you for your time and responses!

Question Title

* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. Job Title

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* 3. How many people in your organization directly implement prevention programming?

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* 5. How many people in your organization have received the Prevention Specialist I Certification and/or Prevention Specialist II Certification from The West Virginia Certification Board for Addiction & Prevention Professionals (WVCBAPP)?

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* 6. What is your organization’s role in implementing prevention in the state? Select all that apply.

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* 7. How does your organization generally or most often provide prevention training?

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* 8. How do you or other staff within your organization prefer to receive prevention training?

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* 9. If your organization provides prevention training, in which counties is this offered?

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* 10. At what levels does your organization provide prevention programming implementation training to school staff (including teachers and school counselors)? Check all that apply.

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* 11. On which of the following topic areas does your organization provide prevention programming training? Who generally attends these trainings? Check all that apply .

  Coalitions Counselors Other Mental Health professionals Other Prevention Professionals Peers School counselors Social workers Teachers
Alcohol Misuse
Body Autonomy
Body Safety
Bystander Intervention
Character Building
Conflict Resolution
Cultural Competency
Cyber Bullying/Safety
Healthy Relationships/Stalking/Teen Dating Violence
Physical Violence
Pregnancy Prevention
Prescription Drug Misuse
Resilience/Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)