Saturday, March 24, 2018

Welcome to the Pre-JAMP Symposium!
The Long School of Medicine offers high school seniors and college freshmen an opportunity to learn about the Joint Admission Medical Program (JAMP) as well as the necessary preparation and medical training to become a physician.
Since 2003, JAMP has been helping Texas students achieve their dreams with guaranteed admission to one of the state's nine medical schools, financial, and academic support to help them get there, and access to resources that allow them to excel.
GROUPS: Is there a group of you who is registering to attend our event? Please have each individual fill out the registration form below. Please email so we can reserve a spot for your group! 
Please fill out the information below and we will contact you with more information!
Registration Deadline: March 16, 2018

Question Title

* 1. First Name

Question Title

* 2. Last Name

Question Title

* 3. Gender

Question Title

* 4. School

Question Title

* 5. What grade are you?

Question Title

* 6. Are you under the age of 18?

IMPORTANT: If you're under the age of 18 you will be required to have a parent or legal guardian sign two release forms. We will email these forms to you after you have registered. Please make sure you return these forms before the event or you will not be able to attend.

Question Title

* 7. Email

Question Title

* 8. Phone Number

Question Title

* 9. What is your ethnicity? (Please select all that apply.)

Question Title

* 10. Email

Question Title

* 11. Dietary Restrictions?

We will email you a confirmation and more details in March as we get closer!

If you have any questions please email Trey Ximenez at

Event Information
When: Saturday, March 24, 2017
Time: 10am-3pm
Where: Long School of Medicine
            7703 Floyd Curl Drive
            San Antonio, TX 78229

Thank You!