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* 1. How do you identify?

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* 2. What is your age?

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* 3. Where are you located?

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* 4. How did you hear about the podcast?

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* 5. I believe that the use of PrEP, can effectively reduce the rising numbers of new cases of HIV

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* 6. I believe that the stories of people living with HIV are relevant to everyone.

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* 7. We all have a role to play in reducing stigma around HIV

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* 8. I know some concrete ways to reduce stigma around HIV.

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* 9. After listening to the podcast, I feel the use of PrEP can be apart of my wellness plan.

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* 10. Do you know where to get PrEP?

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* 11. Would you recommend the podcast to a friend?

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* 12. What topics would you like addressed in the future?