Poynton-with-Worth Neighbourhood Plan Survey Part A – Living in Poynton

20% of survey complete.

Question Title

* 1. Tell us what you most like about Poynton?

Please tick your top three

  1 2 3
The village atmosphere
Access to the countryside
Good access to Manchester / local towns
Range of shops
Plenty of things to do (clubs/societies/etc)

Question Title

* 2. For the future, what’s most important to you? Please place the following in order of importance. Choose 3 numbering them 1 to 3 in order of importance where 1 is the most important.

  1 2 3
Keeping a distinctive buffer of Green Belt around the town
Ensuring that town services such as schools, doctors, library and civic centre keep pace with new developments (inside or near to Poynton)
Ensuring that roads and utilities keep pace with new developments (inside or near to Poynton)
Reducing traffic and congestion
Maintaining a good mix of housing including starter homes and retirement homes.
Increase the types of shops available
Making Poynton a more vibrant place with better places for music/performance of all kinds, social clubs for people of different ages
Improve the range of public facilities such as community centres, library and Civic Hall, in the centre of Poynton

Question Title

* 3. Keeping fit and healthy

  Agree strongly Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Disagree strongly
There are enough opportunities to keep fit/ improve health in Poynton
The Leisure Centre and/or local sports clubs meet my needs
There are good places to walk near my home

Question Title

* 4. Is there any other facility for keeping fit and healthy you would like to see in Poynton? Please write in

Question Title

* 5. Spaces for Other Activities

  Agree strongly Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Disagree strongly
There are enough places available for the community to perform and rehearse music/theatre etc. in Poynton
There are enough places to meet for social clubs, adult education classes, etc. in Poynton
The play areas for under-5s near my home are safe and are good quality
The play areas for over-5s near my home are safe and are good quality

Question Title

* 6. Is there any other facility you would like in Poynton in addition to what’s already provided? Please write in