Visit our website to learn more about KCK Citywide Comprehensive Planning

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* 1. PlanKCK, the Citywide Comprehensive Plan, will guide development and reinvestment in Kansas City, KS for the next 20-25 years. Help us PlanKCK’s future by completing these sentences in one to two words:

In 2040, KCK will be known for

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* 2. When I think of KCK in the future, I hope it will be a place where

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* 3. What is your favorite place and/ or event in KCK? 

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* 4. What makes KCK unique? (Think of places, people, etc.)

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* 5. What values or principles do you believe are at the core of our community's identity? 

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* 6. What are KCK’s strengths overall?  Rank the following plan topic areas. Use arrows on the right to rank topics 1-10 (1 being greatest strength)

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* 7. What are the opportunities to improve KCK overall? Prioritize the following plan topic areas. Use arrows on the right to rank topics 1-10 (1 being greatest opportunities).

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* 8. Optional: What are some of the notable achievements or success stories that you associate with our community? 

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* 9. What cultural, historical, or natural resources do you think contribute significantly to our community's identity? 

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* 10. Optional: What heritage do you identify with in KCK?

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* 11. What’s your role in the community?

Do you have thoughts about how our community works for people of different ages?
Let us know here:

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* 12. What’s your age? 

We want to ensure that throughout our engagement process we are inclusive of all individuals from across the entire UG community. The following questions help us do that. Your responses are confidential. 

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* 13. What is your address? (NOTE: We want to ensure we are reaching all geographic locations of Kansas City. You will not be added to any mailing lists.) (OPTIONAL) 

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* 14. Want to stay up to date? Add your email for newsletter updates!