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* 1. Your name

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* 2. Kimberlé Crenshaw coined the term “intersectionality” to point out the ways in which some people are doubly marginalized by social sin. Black women are subject to both white supremacy and misogyny. How might we use Kelly Brown Douglas’ understanding of black women’s sexuality to further understand how racism in the Church is an intersectional issue?

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* 3. In the online article about Antona Ebo, Ebo says: “There are time when you know God is in charge.” How do we understand this in the face of injustice? How might we turn to God in the face of suffering?

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* 4. Civil Rights Activist Philip Deitch remarked, “Sr. Antona Ebo’s 93 years of struggle, activism and inspiration is among the most impactful civil rights narratives you don’t know."  He comments that in "Sisters of Selma" we get a glimpse of her life long story as she first strides across the world stage always being the right person, at the right time, in the right place.

After watching the documentary, "Sisters of Selma" what struck you?  What surprised or shocked you?  What inspired you?