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Returning to Recreation and Leisure Activities - What Is Important to You

The Town of Pictou is conducting this survey to get a better understanding of community needs in respect to recreation and leisure activities including events during this time. The information gathered will help us develop plans to support socializing at events, recreation and leisure opportunities going forward. Leisure activities, facilities, attending social events, parks and green spaces are all essential to our quality of life and our economic sustainability.

*By completing this survey, you will be entered into a draw to win a prize, a local gift card valued at $100. 

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey, your feedback is important to us.

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* 1. What best describes you and your home/family structure?

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* 2. What is your age group?

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* 3. Please select the top three priorities you have at this time of physical distancing.

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* 4. What can the Pictou Parks and Recreation Department do to help you with the above priorities?

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* 5. As the Province lifts restrictions on in-person recreation programming, when will you feel comfortable participating yourself, or sending your children again?

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* 6. Do you have friends or family who do not have internet access? In your opinion, what recreation and leisure support might they need? How might we reach them with information on what is happening?

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* 7. Do you have friends and family who do not participate in recreation and leisure opportunities normally? In your opinion, why (cost, transportation, inaccessibility), and what would they need to become more engaged?

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* 8. Before the pandemic did you use the Pictou Pool for any type of programming? (swims, fitness, courses, events)

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* 9. If you answered YES to the above question related to the Pictou Pool, how can we assist in your comfort level in returning to using the pool again (aside from standard public health safety measures that will be in place).

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* 10. During the pandemic when people were advised to stay home, did you discover a new interest or activity that you would like to continue which Pictou Recreation and Parks could assist with?

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* 11. Is there anything else you'd like us to know about your recreation experiences during this time with restrictions related to COVID19 or what we should be thinking about as we emerge from the restrictions and begin to offer direct services again?

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* 12. When did you last attend a performing arts presentation/event?

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* 13. Since physical distancing rules have come into effect, have you taken the opportunity to view online shows (e.g. concerts, plays, readings, dance, etc.)?

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* 14. Would you be willing to pay a modest fee for exclusive access to online arts presentations/events?

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* 15. Based on what you know now, how likely would you attend a live event during the following scenarios? (1-very unlikely, 5-very likely)

  1 2 3 4 5
Only if it were in a small venue
Only if it were in a large venue
Only if it were outside
Only when there is a vaccine

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* 16. As restrictions loosen, when will you go to a public gathering space (e.g. festival, restaurant, movie theatre, mall)?

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* 17. If you would like to be entered into the prize draw, please provide your name and telephone number. This information will not be shared.

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