Distinguished service awards recognize ASPEN members who have made substantial, exceptional leadership and service contributions to ASPEN, which have significantly supported and enhanced the vision and mission of the Society over a sustained period of time.

Nomination Criteria for the Distinguished Nutrition Support Physician Service Award

1. Must be a physician and current member of ASPEN.

2. Nomination must demonstrate nominee’s: Leadership activities in ASPEN at the national (including sections) and/or chapter levels, including committees, task forces, and other activities; Contributions to ASPEN programming (speaking, providing hands on workshops, planning committees, etc.); Volunteer publication activities for ASPEN at the national or chapter levels

3. Past award recipients, current Section Leaders and current ASPEN Board of Director Members are ineligible for nomination.

To submit a nomination, please complete the form below. The nominator must also submit to colleenh@nutritioncare.org two letters of support from colleagues which describe the nominee’s contributions in detail. The nomination form and letters must augment, not copy, the nominee’s resume, and provide convincing evidence of the nominee’s suitability for the award. While the nominee’s CV is a required part of the application packet, the Membership Committee will use only the nomination form and letters of support when scoring the nomination packets.

Submissions (including letters of support and the nominee's CV) are due: September 30, 2017

Question Title

* 1. Is the nominee a current member of ASPEN?
To check on membership status, you may contact the ASPEN office at info@nutritioncare.org

Question Title

* 2. NOMINATOR's name and contact information below.

Question Title

* 3. NOMINEE's name and contact information.

Question Title

* 4. Describe the nominee's service to ASPEN including position titles (e.g., Board of Directors, section or chapter leadership, editorial boards, meeting planning, program contributions (speaking), publication in ASPEN journals, moderating, committees, grant reviewer, ad hoc work, unique contributions), years served, and at least one specific accomplishment of each position or activity. Please limit to 10 items.

Please note there is no character limit, but you may want to first complete this part of the nomination form in Word and then copy-and-paste your response into the text box.

Please email the nominee's CV and two letters of support from colleagues to colleenh@nutritioncare.org.

Letters must be submitted by September 30, 2017
Nominations without the nominee's CV and letters of support will not be considered.

Please name each file with the nominee's name and award title (e.g., JaneSmith_DietitianServiceAward.doc).

Thank you for your nomination!