Membership in the Philadelphia STEM Ecosystem and the Philadelphia STEM Equity Collective |
Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of the Philadelphia STEM Ecosystem (the Ecosystem) and, if you choose to, the Philadelphia STEM Equity Collective, (PSEC) a major initiative within the Ecosystem. The Ecosystem and PSEC both share the common objective of providing Philadelphians with equitable access to STEM education, resources, and opportunities.
To support partnerships and foster peer-to-peer collaborations, we share member's basic contact information (name, email, organization name and title) with other members of the Ecosystem and PSEC. In addition to creating distribution lists, this information will be used to ensure that our Ecosystem and PSEC's members are diverse and representative of our Philadelphia community.
As part of the survey, you will have an option to opt-out of sharing your contact information if you only want to be kept informed of Ecosystem and PSEC's activities but not be part of a Workgroup. To learn more about how we use your personal information and your rights in relation to that information, please review our Privacy Notice. You can amend your contact information or update your communication preferences at any time by contacting Betsy Payne, Philadelphia STEM Ecosystem Manager at spayne@philaedfund.org.