Question Title

* 1. District/Institution Name:

Question Title

* 2. Please indicate your level of interest in each of the Perkins project director topics listed:

  Extremely Interested Slightly Interested Not at all Interested N/A
Perkins funding formula/allocations:
Best practices for collaborating with staff/teachers/faculty:
NJSmart CTE data reporting (secondary only):
VEDS data reporting (postsecondary only)
CTE data evaluation and analysis:
Role and responsibility of CTE/Perkins project director:
Role of the teacher/faculty in the Perkins process (documentation, collaboration, etc.):
Perkins amendment process:
Consortium creation:
Clarification on supplement versus supplant:
Best practices for purchasing and accounting:
Allowable costs:
Grant close-out:
New grant year planning and preparation:

Question Title

* 3. Please indicate your level of interest in each of the Perkins implementation topics listed:

  Extremely Interested Slightly Interested Not at all Interested NA
Strategies for improving Language Arts Attainment for CTE students:
Strategies for improving Math Attainment for CTE students:
Strategies for improving Technical Skills Attainment for CTE students:
Strategies for improving nontraditional participation and completion for CTE students:
Strategies for improving placement for CTE students:
Structured Learning Experiences
Services offered by the Career Equity Resource Center (CERC)
Strategies to obtain CTE articulation agreements with postsecondary institutions:
Best practices for forming and utilizing CTE Advisory Committees:

Question Title

* 4. Are you willing to participate in a state-wide Perkins Grant  Advisory Committee to provide input and help improve the Perkins Grant Application process?