The purpose of this survey is to identify payroll and HR management technology preferences, while gaining an understanding of the awareness to the Affordable Care Act Employer mandate requirements. Participants may receive a copy of the survey report. All responses are strictly confidential.

The results will be shared on a free webcast, October 14, 2015 @ 1:30 PM ET. To attend, please register here:

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* 1. What technology are you using to manage your payroll and HR?

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* 2. How do you currently process your employee time/attendance and reporting?

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* 3. How would you rate your satisfaction with your current technology?

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* 4. What would you like your solution to include, that it is currently missing?

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* 5. Is your organization aware of the Affordable Care Act Employer mandate requirements?

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* 6. To what degree are you aware of the specific mandate requirements?

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* 7. What is your company doing to abide by the ACA requirements?

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* 8. If you are outsourcing, have you discussed your ACA concerns with your provider?

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* 9. How many total employees (full time and part time) work for your organization?

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* 10. Who is accountable in your company for ACA compliance?

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* 11. Which industry best describes your organization?

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* 12. The survey is anonymous, but if you wish to have someone contact you, please enter your contact information.