Public Input Survey for Park and Weed Transition

Park and Weed Department Director Position

This survey seeks input from the public, stakeholders, and employees to ensure the successful transition and operation of the newly combined Department of Park and Weed Management Director. Your feedback will help guide the process and address potential concerns.
1.1. What is your relationship to Morton County?
2.How familiar are you with the services provided by the Parks and Weed Control Departments?
3.How satisfied are you with the current services provided by the Parks Department?
4.How satisfied are you with the current weed control efforts in Morton County?
5.What concerns do you have about the merger of this position?
6.What suggestions do you have for this proposed combination?
7.What impact do you anticipate the merger will have on your partnership with Morton County?
8.What opportunities do you see for improving collaboration with the new Department of Park and Weed Management?
9.How can the county better communicate and engage with stakeholders during this transition?
10.Do you have any additional questions, comments, or concerns regarding this transition?