Questions? Please reach out to Diane Atherton at or (910) 949-4045.

Below are a list of issues relating to being a parent. Please circle the number describing the response which best describes how you honestly feel. 

Question Title

* 1. In an overall sense, how difficult has your child's behavior been over the last 6 weeks?

Question Title

* 2. To what extent do the following statements describe your experience as a parent in the last 6 weeks?

  Not at all Slightly Moderately Very Extremely
Parenting is rewarding
Parenting is demanding
Parenting is stressful
Parenting is fulfilling
Parenting is depressing

Question Title

* 3. In the last 6 weeks, how confident have you felt to undertake your responsibilities as a parent? 

Question Title

* 4. How supported have you felt in your role as a parent over the last 6 weeks? 

Question Title

* 5. If you have a partner, please complete the following items.

To what extent do you both agree over methods of disciplining your child? 

Question Title

* 6. How supportive has your partner been towards you in your role as a parent over the last 6 weeks? 

Question Title

* 7. In an overall sense, how happy do you consider your relationship with your partner to be? (Note: the middle point, 'happy' represents the degree of happiness of most relationships, please indicate the point that best describes the degree of happiness, all things considered, of your relationship)

Question Title

* 8. Do you have any comments regarding your satisfaction with our Triple P program?

Question Title

* 9. How has this service impacted your life?

Question Title

* 10. What is your full name? 

Question Title

* 11. What is today's date?