Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey about supporting our youth who communicate to adults through aggression. We define aggression as: child-to-parent yelling, saying hurtful things, hitting, pushing and grabbing, throwing things, or hurting in any way.

Many youth are struggling with aggression and we want to know what we can do to help caregivers and siblings, educators and schools or programs, and our community's youth who are experiencing this challenge.

What can you expect?
  • Your answers to this survey will be kept confidential.
  • Participation is voluntary and you may quit the survey at any time.
  • This survey is anonymous, therefore no identifying information will be collected or shared.
  • Quotes or paraphrases of your responses may be included in a report (but we would never include anything that would tie it back to you).
  • Information will be used to support youth in our community AT NO COST to them.
  • A preliminary report and video will be available by spring 2018.
You are eligible to take this survey if you are a caregiver of one or more children younger than 18 years old and live in Manitoba.

Your child can help us better understand aggression by taking the youth aggression survey. Visit Inspire's website for more information.

Question Title

* 1. Do you agree to take this survey?