Please take a few minutes to answer Post Test questions to help us understand if the material was presented effectively.  Then you will have a chance to evaluate the presenters and workshop. We appreciate your feedback as we are always looking for ways to improve our programs!  Thank you!

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* 1. Autism is a neurological and developmental disorder that affects how a child views their world.

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* 2. Autism affects 2 main areas: 1- social communication/social interactions, and 2-  restricted patterns of behavior/restricted interests.

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* 3. "Autism thinking" means thinking about what your autistic child's behavior is telling you, and what they are experiencing.

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* 4. Communication is only being able to speak.

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* 5. A person's verbal ability equals their intellectual/cognitive ability.

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* 6. Children with autism use challenging behavior simply to get their own way.

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* 7. You can teach your child to be more independent and flexible by using visual supports.

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* 8. Social stories explain what to expect and what to do in social settings or situations.

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* 9. In the IEP process, you have the right to make suggestions, disagree, share reports from medical providers, and ask the team to discuss them.

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* 10. I learned I am not alone-  Staying connected with Autism Delaware can help me along my journey (examples: social media, email list, network with other parents at events, receive 1:1 family support, etc).