Durham public art screen inspiration (survey ends 8/9/21) Question Title * 1. In order to help provide some direction for developing new public art for the city, am I wiling to take a few thoughtful minutes to share what I generally think of Durham? Yes No Question Title * 2. What is my favorite time of year to be out and about in Durham? Springtime! Obviously. Autumn. Obviously. Certain events throughout the year that bring people together The holidays Anytime that it's quiet. Any time when the streets are bustling and people are busy. It's energizing. Hmmm. That's changed for me over time. I'll explain... Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. How important is nature (trees, parks, flowing water, the clouds, or the night sky) as an ingredient of what I value for a healthy lifestyle? Question Title * 4. Select the images you are drawn to for public spaces 3 3 3 3 3 3 None of the above Question Title * 5. In thinking about valuing Durham's history versus valuing the direction in which Durham is changing, where do I sit on this spectrum? History Equally important for balance Trending direction Clear i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale. Question Title * 6. In thinking about your own personal local heroes, what roles do they play in the community? Question Title * 7. If I had a friend interesting in moving to Durham, what would I say are its most important places that are worth knowing and experiencing? Question Title * 8. What keeps Durham from being the best place on earth? Question Title * 9. (Skip this question if you need to skip one) What general imagery, metaphors, or feelings to come to mind if you were to think about writing poem about Durham? Question Title * 10. Select the images you are drawn to spend time exploring further 3 3 3 None of the above Question Title * 11. (pick up to 3) If I got to choose what kind of public art I'd want to see in Durham, I'd want... to be sure enough people were considered. something that had lasting design rather than just what's trending today. to be sure to represent today's people and a cause that's important today. to inspire new ideas and conversations in our community. it to be truly inspiring, but without drawing attention away from other important aspect of the that space. anything as long as it hides a parking garage. something that really made a statement from a truly great artist. it to be as minimal as possible. it to be as bold as possibile. Other (please specify) Question Title * 12. Select the image you are most drawn to for public spaces 3 3 3 None of the above Question Title * 13. What would be the single biggest mistake to make in a public art design for the city? Question Title * 14. In thinking about the spaces I'm drawn to, I'd say that they are Mostly outdoors In an environment where I can think and get work done At home Anywhere with my friends or family On vacation Exploring and learning, whether that's online or in person Spaces that I can make my own in some small way Any place where all of my senses are awakened and used at once functional places with historical significance spaces where there is a balance of organized architecture and the freeform of nature Other (please specify) Question Title * 15. Select the images you are drawn to for public spaces 3 3 3 None of the above Question Title * 16. Were these questions effective in communicating to an artist how to make public art that is relevant to my community? Yes. I wasn't sure when I started this survey, but now I think this kind of captures the basics. As long as there is some local oversight for the artist, this is a good start. Seems like there would be lot more to uncover about Durham than answers on a survey. Seemed like a strange survey. I don't know if this was a helpful process. No. Other (please specify) Question Title * 17. Is there any additional specific information that you would like the artist to know? Done