These questions are designed to provide data to the strategic planning team as they work towards creating an overarching plan for the Confluence network of schools.

Question Title

* 1. My student attends:

Question Title

* 2. My student has attended this school for:

Question Title

* 3. Facilities--please let us know how you feel/what you think

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral/No Opinion Agree Strongly Agree
My student's school is clean and in good condition
I like my student's school
The learning environment in my student's school is excellent

Question Title

* 4. I would grade the overall condition of my school building as:

Question Title

* 5. Technology--please let us know what you feel/think about the following:

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral/No Opinion Agree Strongly Agree
My student has access to the technology they need to be successful in my classroom.
Teachers are able to effectively implement the technology they have.
Access to the internet (Wifi) is robust enough to provide for effective teaching.
I believe that being a technology infused school is important to have a highly effective school.

Question Title

* 6. School Environment/Culture--please let us know what you feel/think about the following:

  Strongly Disagree Disagre Neutral/No Opinion Agree Strongly Agree
The administrators at my student's school are responsive to parents needs and questions
Communication with families occurs in an open and respectful manner.
I am satisfied with the current leadership in my building.
I am satisfied with the current LEA leadership and management
I believe the school's administrators have my child's best interest at heart.

Question Title

* 7. Safety/Security--please let us know what you feel/think about the following:

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral/No Opinion Agree Strongly Agree
My student feels safe in the building.
My studebnt feels safe on the bus/on their way to school
My student feels safe (emotionally) in the classroom.
I believe that emotional safety of students is given the same priority as their physical safety.
Students who are different--with a disability, racial minority in the building, gay or questioning, religious minority, transgender, etc--feel safe in my building

Question Title

* 8. Academics/Curriculum--please let us know what you feel/think about the following:

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral/No Opinion Agree Strongly Agree
The teachers at my student's school are excellent
The teachers at my student's school have access to high quality instructional materials.
I have the opportunity to provide ongoing feedback about the curriculum.
If I had a son/daughter in my building I would be satisfied with the curriculum.

Question Title

* 9. Please share any other information you would like us to know that is not covered in the survey above.