Welcome to the Pan American Maccabi Games – Argentina - Staff Application
Thank you for your interest in becoming a staff member for the Canadian delegation traveling to the Pan American Games, Buenos Aires 2023.

Please note you can apply for more than one role, if desired, but if selected you will only be eligible to fill one staff position.  For a description of staff roles please click HERE

Staff must be available to travel to Argentina between December 26th, 2023, and January 6th 2024*.

If selected as a staff member for the Pan American Maccabi Games, your only participation cost will be a one time donation of $1,600 to Maccabi Canada. You can choose to donate this amount yourself or fundraise the funds.  A tax receipt will be issued for this contribution. 

In addition, you will be required to sign a Code of Conduct document in relation to the terms and conditions governing your participation in the Games.

Please do not call or e-mail to inform us of your interest in becoming a staff member. Only on-line submitted applications will be reviewed, and our office will be in touch with suitable applicants who are invited for an interview.

For additional information please refer to our Frequently Asked Questions on the Maccabi Canada website.  If you still have additional questions, feel free to contact Ashley Kochman, our National Athletic Director at ashley@maccabicanada.com.

*Please note, flights are not yet confirmed and are subject to change.

Please read the following information carefully and complete all mandatory fields.  

*Denotes required information

Question Title

* 1. First Name:

Question Title

* 2. Last Name:

Question Title

* 3. Contact Information:

Question Title

* 5. Date of Birth
(enter as January/1/2022)


Question Title

* 7. Please select the team you would like to be affiliated with?
You can apply for more than one role if desired, but if selected you will only be eligible to fill one staff position.

Question Title

* 8. Please list your Maccabi Experience:
Check all the Maccabi events you participated in:

Question Title

* 9. Please provide a brief description of your sports history including position (e.g. coach), achievements in past Maccabiahs, recent performance results and affiliations.

Question Title

* 10. Wherever used in this application: "abuse" shall mean any act or threat involving molestation, harassment, corporal punishment or any other form of punishment or any other form of physical, sexual or mental abuse. 

Please indicate where there have been any claims or lawsuits arising from abuse made against you.  If so, please provide details.

Question Title

* 11. Please indicate whether there have been any incidents or allegations of abuse made against you.  If yes, please provide details.  

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* 12. Please indicate if you are aware of any facts, incidents, circumstances or allegations, that may give rise to allegations. claims or lawsuits against you.  If yes, please provide details.

Question Title

* 13. In filing this application I understand that Maccabi Canada has the right to reject my application for any reason at any time. Filing this application confers no rights to me and the acceptance of the application is always subject to rejection even after the selection process. Furthermore, for valuable consideration received, I hereby release Maccabi Canada, its officers, directors, employees, agents, servants and volunteers from any and all liability and claims which may arise from the application or the selection process utilized to appoint members of the Canadian Team, including any and all claims arising out of personal injuries or damages from any cause whatsoever. The fee for this application is non refundable.

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* 14. I hereby release Maccabi Canada to use my name and photograph/video footage in all results and publicity material. 

Question Title

* 15. How did you hear about this staff application?

Question Title

* 16. Please upload your current professional and/or sports related resume.

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Thank you for your application.  The Maccabi Canada office will be in touch with suitable applicants who are invited for an interview.