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Background and Introduction:

Every 5 years, Panhandle Health conducts a Community Health assessment (CHA) to help determine the primary health-related goals upon which to increase emphasis for the 5 years going forward; the last one was in 2018.
Since we have spent the past two years dealing with a global COVID19 pandemic, we are interested to know how personal health, diet, and physical activity has been impacted for you. These combined data will be used to seek grant funds to help address at least some of the identified issues now, rather than later.
As members of the "senior class" Thank You, in advance, for making time to complete this assessment. We hope that it will encourage you to be more conscious and conscientious about personal health and well-being.

Remember: Completing this survey is totally voluntary. Your answers are not part of a HIPAA-protected medical record. If contact information is collected, it will be kept confidential.

Question Title

* 1. Would you say that your overall health is…

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* 2. Please select the top 3 health challenges/concerns you currently face:

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* 3. Thinking about your mental  health--including stress, depression, emotional challenges, etc.--how many days in the last 30 days was your mental health not good?

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* 4. How long since your last visit to a dentist or dental clinic for any reason? [Please include visits to dental specialists, such as orthodontists]

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* 5. In the past 12 months, if you felt mental health treatment or counseling was needed, but you did not receive it, why not?  [Check all that apply]

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* 6. In the past 12 months, if you needed to see a doctor or dentist but could not, why not? [Check all that apply]

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* 7. During the past 7 days, have you purposefully done anything that increased your physical activity?

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* 8. If YES to Q7: How many days were you physically active for 30 minutes or more? 
NOTE: The 30 minutes of activity did not need to happen all at one time!

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* 9. Do you currently use any type of product(s) containing tobacco or nicotine, i.e., chewing tobacco, cigarettes, cigars, electronic cigarettes, etc?

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* 10. In the past 7 days, how often did you drink at least one 12 oz. beer, 5 oz. of wine, and/or one shot of liquor?

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* 11. During the past 30 days, do you feel that your consumption of fresh, frozen, or canned fruits and vegetables has been adequate to meet the US Dietary Guideline recommendations of:
1) 4--1/2 cup servings of fruit
2) 5--1/2 cup servings of vegetables
NOTE: Do not count juice!

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* 12. In which county do you live?

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* 13. Please indicate the gender to which you most identify...

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* 14. Please indicate the range that includes your specific age...

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* 15. Please indicate the race/ethnicity to which you most identify...

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* 16. Are you a veteran or family member of an active-duty serviceman or woman?

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* 17. If you could work whenever you wanted to work, as a paid volunteer or employee, would you be interested?

0 of 17 answered