Please take our survey!

Whether you garden at home, with neighbors, or with an organization we are interested in what you have accomplished, and how we can support your success. Please take a couple minutes and tell us about your gardening during this past season.

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* 1. Are you a home gardener or do you participate in growing through a church, at a community garden or with an organization?

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* 2. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the folllowing statements: Because I grow my own food I .........

  Strongly agree. Agree. Neither agree or disagree. Disagree. Strongly disagree.
Eat more vegetables.
Generally eat a healthier diet.
I am healthier and feel better.
Save money on groceries.
Get more physical activity.

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* 3. Who consumed the food grown in your garden? (check all that apply).

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* 4. If children were involved in growing or consuming food from the garden, how was the garden produce consumed?

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* 5. If children were involved in gardening, did the children try a new vegetable as a result of the garden?

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* 6. If children were involved in gardening, did the children appear to be more receptive to vegetables and healthy foods that were offered at meals or snacks?

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* 7. Do you consider your garden in 2015 to be a success?

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* 8. Share your greatest success and challenge from 2015 garden season.

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* 9. What would help you to be more successful in your gardening in the future?

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* 10. What would you like to learn that would help you to be a better gardener?

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* 11. Would you like a sign for your Community Garden next year?

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* 12. Would you like a work day scheduled at your Community Garden next year?

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* 13. Would you like to host (but not necessarily teach) a gardening class at your Community Garden next year?

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* 14. Are you interested in selling any additional garden produce you raise?

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* 15. Would you be interested in signing up for additional garden space at no cost or low cost in a community garden?

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* 16. How much space in the garden is used for growing? Report plots in feet, square feet, or size of rows, or if in containers, the number and size of containers.

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* 17. Provide the street address and city of the garden you reported on in the previous question.

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* 18. Optional: please share your contact information.

Thank you for completing this survey.