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The Town of Broadway is updating its Comprehensive Plan to guide town planning for the next 20 years. The Comprehensive Plan provides an overview of the Town’s present and future needs and offers direction for allocating community resources for meeting those needs. Ultimately, the plan develops a collaborative vision for the community's future and identifies goals and priorities to achieve the vision to guide and inform the town’s long-term development.

This survey will aid the planning process by identifying the Town’s current strengths and weaknesses, how it could be improved, and what features and amenities should be included in the Comprehensive Plan. Your insight and ideas are a vital part of the process. The survey only takes 5-10 minutes to complete.

Question Title

* Overall, how would you rate the quality of services performed by or provided by the Town of Broadway?

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* Please rate how satisfied you are with the following subjects:

  Very Poor Poor Average Good Excellent
Trash Collection
Water & Sewer Service
Police Services
Recreational Facilities
Traffic in Town

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* What public services, if any, should the Town provide, that are not already available?

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* How do you rate the Town’s current housing stock?

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* How do you rate the Town’s efforts in improving the overall appearance of Broadway?

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* Overall, how would you rate the Town’s efforts in making Broadway a more pedestrian friendly town in recent years by adding and improving sidewalks?

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* How safe do you feel in Broadway?

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* If you have been in contact with Broadway Police in the past 12 months, please rate the service:

  Very Poor Poor Average Good Excellent
Speed of Response

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* Do you agree that the Town adequately enforces property codes such as parking or junk cars, grass and weed ordinance, etc.?

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* When coming in contact with Town employees in the past 12 months, other than police officers, rate their service:

  Very Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

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* If you contacted a Town employee in the last 12 months, was your problem resolved?

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* Have you experienced a problem with your water and sewer billing in the last 12 months?

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* If you experienced an issue with your water bill in the last 12 months, was the issues resolved?

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* How would you rate the quality of the Town’s drinking water, taking into consideration taste, odor, etc.?