Question Title

* 1. Please submit your opinion to the following legislative priorities.

  Totally not important/ People actually want this!?!? Slightly concerned Neutral / Don't really care Important VERY Important.  We need this NOW.
Lower the excise tax from 37-25%
Eliminate the excise tax for patients
Clarifying cannabis as agriculture
Consumption clubs
Allocate tax money to local counties and cities
Allow retailers to sell merchandise
Remove operating plans from public record
Remove store name and ubi number on package
Expunge records for cannabis convictions
Delivery program
Distribution license
Advertising regulations

Question Title

* 2. Please submit your opinion to the following regulatory priorities.

  Totally not important/ People actually want this!?!? Slightly concerned  Neutral/Don't Really Care Important VERY Important.  We need this NOW.
Quarantine abolished for deliveries.
Quarantine abolished for waste.
Change waste policies.
Removal of store name and ubi number on package
Removal of harvest date on package
Standardization of labs 
Add terpenes to the lab proficiency testing and standardize the protocol.
Change THC reporting to a range
Allow p/p to own more than one license. 
Increase monthly samples for p/p to be inline with retailers
Allow p/p to sell their product directly to the public
Lift the number of retail stores
Clear protocol for random testing of product for pesticide differentiating between intentional pesticide use and incidental
Remove the 1 gram limit for concentrates.
Have doctors register and make medical cards (instead of retailers)
Making lot sizes the same for DOH and LCB rules
Make record keeping the same for all state departments (DOH, LCB, DOR)
Allow retailers to use paper punch cards
Allow retailers to give away candy/water to their customers 
Advertising regulations
Standardization across enforcement agents
Too many warning labels
WSLCB lack of communication
Offer training on compliance
Less retail stores
Exsessive Fees
Define Total THC and Total CBD as an equation in the WAC