Please note:  Your responses are aggregated and will be kept strictly confidential for internal use only.

This brief survey contains just 6 questions, and takes about 2 minutes to complete. 

We appreciate you taking the time to help us serve you better !

Question Title

1. Are there any additional programming languages, reporting tools, databases or document types that you would like to see supported in Find it EZ?

Question Title

2. We are actively working on or planning to add support for the following languages and technologies.  Please rank these in order of importance to you.

Question Title

3. What is the most important reason that has influenced your choice to purchase or try Find it EZ over any other option available?

Question Title

4. On a scale of 1-5, please rate your experience with Find it EZ.

  Poor Fair Neutral or N/A Very Good Excellent
product - activation process
product - functionality and features
product - frequency of release updates
help - personal service and support
help - user guides and self serve options
website - content and ease of use
communication - frequency of emails
training - quality of webinars and video demos
training - frequency of blog and video posts

Question Title

5. What would you estimate to be your ROI based on time and money saved using Find it EZ? It can pay for itself:

Question Title

6. Would you recommend Find it EZ to a friend or colleague ?