What do you want to read?
Please choose the top THREE topics you’d like to read more about:
Fabric sourcing advice.
Manufacturing advice.
Email marketing and social media advice.
Crowdfunding and launch advice.
Motivation for getting started from idea stage.
How to get past fear and negative self-talk.
Encouragement for moving forward and taking action.
Inspirational stories and updates of Factory45 graduates.
Creating a more sustainable and ethical wardrobe.
Other (please specify)
How often do you read Factory45 emails?
I pretty much read every single one.
I read them if the subject line catches my attention.
I read them every once in a while.
I rarely read the whole email.
Do you enjoy podcasts or video?
Yes! I prefer listening / watching to reading.
I like podcasts but not video.
I like video but not podcasts.
I very rarely watch videos or listen to podcasts.
Current Progress,
0 of 3 answered