Hellwig Products Survey Question Title * 1. What state or province are you located in? Question Title * 2. What age group are you under? 18-25 25-35 35-50 50+ Question Title * 3. What year, make, and model of truck do you own? Question Title * 4. What year, make, and model of camper do you own? Question Title * 5. Do you currently have an aftermarket sway bar on your truck? Yes No Question Title * 6. Do you currently have helper springs on your truck? Yes No Question Title * 7. If you selected NO for either #5 or #6 above, could you explain why? Question Title * 8. What do you use your truck for? Please select all that apply. Daily driver Hauling a camper Towing a trailer or boat Off-roading Work truck Other (please specify) Question Title * 9. Who works on or maintains your truck? I do all the work on my truck I do basic work on my truck I take my truck to the dealership for service I take my truck to a local shop for service Other (please specify) Question Title * 10. Have you heard of Hellwig Products prior to this survey? Yes No Question Title * 11. Do you have additional feedback or product suggestions for Hellwig? Question Title * 12. Please include an email address if you would like an answer to #11 above or would like to learn more about Hellwig Products. Your responses will be sent to Hellwig after pressing "done" below. Thank you for taking the survey. Done