
The Levinia Crooks Emerging Leader Awards were launched by ASHM in 2018, as a way of honouring the legacy of A/Prof Levinia Crooks, AM and recognising her significant contribution to our sector. For over 30 years Levinia took an active role in recognising especially emerging leaders within the BBV and STI field and had personally mentored many talented individuals, researchers and practitioners.

Nominations for the BBV STI Category (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Healthcare worker) Award will open on the 15th July 2021 and close on the 5th August 2021. ASHM will notify the winner by 16th August 2021.

FREE registration to the joint 2021 Australasian HIV&AIDS and Sexual Health Conference (Virtual), 6-9 September 2021.
FREE registration and funding support for travel and accommodation to the next face-face (2022) joint Australasian HIV&AIDS and Sexual Health Conference.
Complimentary ASHM ordinary membership for a year worth $235.
Presentation with a framed certificate publicly at 2021 joint Australasian HIV&AIDS and Sexual Health Conference (Virtual), 6-9 September 2021.
Opportunity to provide a 10-minute (pre-recorded) unique, oral presentation at the 2021 joint Australasian HIV&AIDS and Sexual Health Conference (Virtual) - demonstrating how their achievements embody the Levinia Crooks Emerging Leader Award.

Criteria for the Award:
An Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander healthcare worker working in the field of BBV or STIs in Australia
  1. Early to mid-career (0-10 years working in the sector)  
  2. Demonstrated leadership achievement in most or all of the following areas:  
  • Their leadership is bold, innovative, inclusive and inspires collaboration in the sector.  
  • Seeks to establish, promote and strengthen meaningful partnerships and collaborative opportunities to drive outcomes.  
  • Ensures community-based and person-centred care and engagement at all times.  
  • Commitment to ongoing development of knowledge and skills in the sector, and application of evidence-based practice.  
  • Successful advocacy with government and/or other regulatory bodies  
  • Actively shares responsibility, authority, information and credit when working towards the achievement of a goal  
  • Sets a high standard of integrity by leading through example and maintains high personal standards 

Nominations are assessed by a panel of adjudicators to determine a winner