Clarke Business Park - Business Owner Survey

This survey is intended for business owners in Clarke Business Park.

If you are a property owner in Clarke Business Park and do not run a business out of Clarke Business Park, please do not complete this survey. There is a separate property owner survey for you to complete.

If you own property in Clarke Business Park and run your business from that property, please complete this survey and the property owner survey.

It is the effort of the Economic Development Commission, the Office of Economic Development and the Clarke Business Park Advisory Committee to gather information/suggestions about doing business in and the continued growth of CBP. The survey is confidential and will only take a few minutes to complete. The information will be used for future planning.

We are looking for more participation in the Clarke Park Advisory Committee. If you are interested, please contact Janice Chrzescijanek at or 203-794-2822.

Thank you for your participation.