SHIP is asking for your help in improving our program by completing this questionnaire. The survey asks questions about your views of the services that you are currently receiving. Your input will assist us in further developing our programs and enhancing the quality of services we provide.

The survey will take about 10 minutes to complete. Your participation in this survey is voluntary. You are free to withdraw at any time. 

All responses you provide will be anonymous and kept strictly confidential, only aggregate/group data will be shared (i.e. your name will not appear on your questionnaire and your response will not be linked to your identity at any time). If you choose to include comments in the survey, please ensure that you do not include information that may be identifiable (e.g., your name or specific details about your situation).

All responses will be securely stored on password protected computers. Program staff will not have access to your responses only group data. Hard copies of the survey will be destroyed once uploaded.

In order to progress through this survey, please use the following navigation links:

- Click the Next >> button to continue to the next page.
- Click the Previous >> button to return to the previous page.
- Click the Exit the Survey Early >> button if you need to exit the survey. 
- Click the Submit >> button to submit your survey.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your feedback is important to us.

If you have any questions, please contact SHIP’s Privacy Officer by phone or email:

905-795-8742 ext. 288