The POMA Physician Wellness Committee is working to serve the membership by providing wellness education and opportunities throughout the year.  In its latest offering, the committee is researching the interest to hosting a virtual Tea and Meditation Event in early 2023.

During the event, we will taste multiple teas, discuss sensory activities and share relaxation and mediation techniques to help de-stress at various moments throughout the day.

By responding below, you are NOT committing to attending the virtual event. The committee is exploring interest and possible limitations of such an event.

Question Title

* 1. Would you be interested in attending a virtual Tea and Meditation event in early 2023?

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* 2. How much money are you willing to contribute to support a virtual Tea and Mediation event?

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* 3. Any comments or suggestions for virtual wellness events? (Yoga, Wine tasting, Cooking Class, Beer tasting, Thai Chi, etc.)

Question Title

* 4. What is your current career status?

Question Title

* 5. Contact Information (optional)