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* 1. Best-in-class performance occurs when each person on the team has been given the tools to succeed and management is held accountable for leadership that prioritizes the success of others, and reinforces a culture of learning opportunities and growth.

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* 2. In the article, the author states, “The best services are delivered by _____________.”

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* 3. Customer service is about training individuals to overcome the widespread indifference we continue to see across practices toward _______________, especially in satellite offices.

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* 4. In the author’s PDSA model, what are 2 of the examples noted that could be contributing factors causing interference and negatively impacting retention of new information?

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* 5. A skilled trainer should always be one of the most senior members of a team.

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* 6. The art of customer service is a fundamental understanding of a call-to-action for _______________________.