1. Introduction

33% of survey complete.
The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) has been charged with disseminating a "student perspective" survey of students enrolled in private schools for students with disabilities licensed by the Virginia Department of Education. The purpose of this survey is to solicit input directly from students on their experience while enrolled in a private school for students with disabilities and is not intended to be a satisfaction survey. As a student enrolled in a private school for students with disabilities, your participation in this survey, as one measurement tool, will assist VDOE in collecting information necessary to ascertain, from a student's perspective, on the effectiveness of programming in the private school you are attending.

It is important to note that your response to each question will be recorded anonymously and cannot be personally linked to you or your family. Your Parent or other family member may assist you in completing this survey.

When completing this survey you will answer questions designed to cause you to reflect upon your experiences during the school year you just completed. If you have questions about this survey, please contact Hank Millward, via telephone, at (804) 371-0525, or via email, at Hank.Millward@doe.virginia.gov.