Now that we've introduced The BeLoved CommUnity Builders (BCB) Initiative, we want to get you involved in the ways that fit you best. To provide the framework within which we will be working, here are the Mission and Vision Statements of The BCB.

Mission: Creating racial and cultural awareness through dialogue, openness, understanding, stability, and change.

Vision: Our vision is a world where universal love and equality is shared among all people. Where each person honors the God within every other human with acts of kindness, generosity and compassion, creating a world of oneness and social justice.

Please take a few minutes to answer the questions below. There is a space at the end for you to share your ideas for activities and events that can become part of this ongoing Initiative/Ministry here at UCPC.

Question Title

* 1. Which days of the week are your available?

Question Title

* 2. Which of the following would you be interested in?

Question Title

* 3. What professional or technical skills to do have that may aid volunteer activities?

Question Title

* 4. Please use this space to share your ideas for activities, events, or speakers that fit within the Mission and Vision of The BeLoved CommUnity Builders.

Question Title

* 5. So that we can reach out to you, please provide your name and contact information:

Thank you for your time and interest in working with us!

Steering Team Members
Keita Bey, Chairperson; Clarence Williamson, Board Liaison; Susan Rivers, JoAnna Johnson, Dick Lyman, Marilyn Conner, Tim Ryan, Richard McIntyre, Dee White, Phil Vance, Samuel Marshall, Saylor Lynn