Thanks for helping us make bicycling on Syracuse Street safer. The 2016 City and County of Denver (CCD) Quebec Street Alternatives Analysis Study recommended adding bike lanes to Syracuse Street to provide a north-south route for bicycles in close proximity to the Quebec corridor, while complementing the neighborhood’s unique character. Denver Public Works is now designing new bicycle facilities along Syracuse Street between E. 8th Ave. and E. 26th Ave and seeking input from community members regarding the proposed facilities.
Learn more:

Question Title

* 1. Do you live on Syracuse Street?

2. Below are preliminary concept designs for the three sections of Syracuse Street. Please review the information below and provide your feedback in section five.

Per Denver Bikeway Design Guidelines, determining the appropriate bicycle facility is based on roadway configuration, speed, and average annual daily traffic volume. In addition, other factors to be considered beyond speed and volume include traffic mix of automobiles and heavy vehicles, the presence of on-street parking, intersection density, surrounding land use, and roadway sight distance.

Question Title

Syracuse Street between E. 8th Ave. and E. 11th Ave.
Proposed Bicycle Facility: Conventional Bike Lanes

<span style="font-size: 10pt;">Syracuse Street between E. 8th Ave. and E. 11th Ave.<br>Proposed Bicycle Facility: Conventional Bike Lanes<br></span>
Why was this facility type selected?
  • Provides dedicated space for bicyclists with improved separation from vehicles
  • No parking impacts
  • Per Denver Bikeway Design Guidelines, appropriate facility type due to low vehicular travel speeds and very low traffic volumes, and number of existing travel lanes

Question Title

Syracuse Street between E. 11th Ave. and Montview Blvd.
Proposed Bicycle Facility: Conventional Bike Lanes

<span style="font-size: 10pt;">Syracuse Street between E. 11th Ave. and Montview Blvd.<br>Proposed Bicycle Facility: Conventional Bike Lanes<br></span>
Why was this facility type selected? 
  • Provides dedicated space for bicyclists with improved separation from vehicles
  • Minimal impact to existing parking utilization
  • Per Denver Bikeway Design Guidelines, appropriate facility type due to low vehicular travel speeds and low to moderate traffic volumes, and number of existing travel lanes

Question Title

Syracuse Street between Montview Blvd. and E. 26th Ave.
Proposed Bicycle Facility: Buffered Bike Lanes

<span style="font-size: 10pt;">Syracuse Street between Montview Blvd. and E. 26th Ave.<br>Proposed Bicycle Facility: Buffered Bike Lanes<br></span>
Why was this facility type selected? 
  • Provides an enhanced bicycle facility with increased separation from motor vehicles and space for cyclists
  • Enhances pedestrian safety by improving crossing in the vicinity of the school at Montview Blvd
  • No parking impacts
  • Per Denver Bikeway Design Guidelines, appropriate facility type due to moderate vehicular travel speeds and traffic volumes, and number of existing travel lanes
  • Opportunity exists to reconfigure roadway to enhance user safety and address neighborhood concerns regarding vehicular travel speeds

Question Title

3. Below highlights pedestrian facilities along Syracuse Street including missing sidewalks and narrow sidewalks. The City and County of Denver is focused on installing new sidewalks where they do not currently exist as well as repairing damaged sidewalks. Narrow and/or “Hollywood” sidewalks are not being addressed at this time.

3. Below highlights pedestrian facilities along Syracuse Street including missing sidewalks and narrow sidewalks. The City and County of Denver is focused on installing new sidewalks where they do not currently exist as well as repairing damaged sidewalks. Narrow and/or &ldquo;Hollywood&rdquo; sidewalks are not being addressed at this time.

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4. Below highlights next steps for planned improvements along Syracuse Street. A detailed parking utilization study near Zion Temple Church will be conducted in conjunction with the development of final design plans. Implementation of bicycle facilities is scheduled to occur in summer 2018.

4. Below highlights next steps for planned improvements along Syracuse Street. A detailed parking utilization study near Zion Temple Church will be conducted in conjunction with the development of final design plans. Implementation of bicycle facilities is scheduled to occur in summer 2018.

Question Title

* 5. Please provide any comments or feedback regarding proposed bicycle facilities on Syracuse Street (please use the space below to provide your feedback)

Question Title

* Please provide your contact information (optional) 

Thank you!