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* 1. If you live in Palos Verdes Estates then please take a moment to let us know if speeding or traffic volume keeps you from walking, cycling or otherwise enjoying your neighborhood street.  To learn more about how our streets can be made safer, visit the Palos Verdes Estates Safe Neighborhood Streets Alliance webpage:

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* 2. How would you rate the overall safety of your neighborhood street with regard to traffic?

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* 3. Can children safely walk to school from your neighborhood?

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* 4. Can you safely walk or bicycle on your neighborhood street?

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* 5. Is the posted speed limit on your neighborhood street 25 mph or less?  A child struck at 35 mph is far more likely to die than at 25 mph.

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* 6. Do most of those driving on your street obey the speed limit?

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* 7. Which of the following traffic calming measures would you like for your street? Click of each of the following for an illustration.

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* 8. Would you like sidewalks and/or bike lanes added to your neighborhood street?

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* 9. Would you like rumble-strips added to the center of your street which slows traffic by forcing drivers to stay in their lane?

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* 10. Has a pedestrian or cyclist ever been injured by an automobile on your neighborhood street?

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* 11. Is there a bus or other transit stop within a 10-minute walk of your home?  Having stops within a 10-minute walk is essential for increasing ridership.

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* 12. Does a member of your household have special needs when it comes to getting about via your neighborhood streets?  By special needs we mean those using walkers, wheelchairs, etc. to safely maneuver from place to place using the city's streets and pedestrian right-of-ways.

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* 13. Is there anything else you'd like to share about your neighborhood streets?