SVSU Contractor Guidelines

Contractors working on Saginaw Valley State University’s campus must review, acknowledge and comply with the latest Michigan Department of Health and Human Services Guidelines, CDC, OSHA COVID- 19 Workplace Safety Guidance document, MIOSHA, the Saginaw County Health Department Guidelines, and SVSU's Cardinal NEST Plan as a minimum.

Please fill out the following information for your company. Once the survey is submitted, the University will approve your company by email, prior to the commencement of any work.

Question Title

* 1. Company Name:

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* 2. Company Contact Person:

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* 3. Contact Phone Number:

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* 4. Email address:

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* 5. Our company has a Health and Safety plan in place to address COVID-19 related issues:

Please read the following Contractor Guidelines:

• Provide a daily tailgate session reviewing site protocols to mitigate the potential spread of the virus. As information is changing continuously regarding COVID-19, these tailgates should occur daily and contractors should document attendance.

• Establish a daily screening protocol for arriving staff to ensure potentially infected staff do not enter the work site. Daily screening results must be available for review by SVSU Project Manager upon request.
Cleaning / Sanitization

• Clean and sanitize trailers, job site toilets and other enclosed spaces. Establish deep cleaning schedules on job sites to address exposed surfaces.

• Establish a cleaning and disinfecting protocol prior to entry and exit of the job site. Establish a similar cleaning protocol within the job site area. All disinfectant products must be an EPA-approved to be used against COVID-19.
SVSU Site-Specifics

• Clean and disinfect any borrowed SVSU equipment before returning (i.e., lifts, ladders, etc.)

• Ensure compliance with SVSU's posted masking and social distancing requirements.

• Designate a Site-Specific Safety Representative (SSR) to monitor and implement all recommended safety practices regarding the COVID-19 virus with all contractor staff members. Labor supervisors must have the authority, through consultation with the SSR, to halt all activities that do not adhere to the COVID-19 safety practices. The SSR should have training (Indicate to your SVSU project manager what training has been provided to your SSR) commensurate with this hazard and all required industrial hygiene practices that may be required on the job site. This person will be responsible to maintain supplies of disinfectants and make sure workers follow decontamination, hand washing, social distancing, and PPE rules. The SSR must always remain on-site during activities. A trained on-site worker may be designated to perform the SSR role.
At a minimum staff/labor are required to follow the guidelines shown below during the course of their work:

• If you feel sick, and/or have been exposed to anyone who is sick, stay at home. You may be required to provide a test result showing a negative result (not infected) before being allowed to return to work.

• Wash hands frequently for at least 20 seconds with soap and water. Avoid touching your face with un-sanitized hands. Avoid touching common surfaces with bare hands.

• Constantly observe your work distances in relation to other staff. Always maintain the recommended 6 feet social distance when not wearing the necessary PPE for working in close proximity to another person. It is recommended to not shake hands with or make other direct contact with other staff. It is recommended to not carpool with other staff unless they are family members living within your household.

• It is recommended to not share phones. Use of microwaves, water coolers and other similar group equipment for breaks should be suspended until further notice.

• Clean personal tools and group tools prior to use.

• Ensure you clean and maintain your personal PPE and do not loan any item out to other staff.

• Do not cough or sneeze into your hand; rather, direct coughs and sneezes into the crook of your arm at your elbow; follow established CDC guidelines.

Question Title

* 6. Our company acknowledges to follow the above guidelines and is in accordance with the latest Michigan Department of Health and Human Services Guidelines, CDC, OSHA, MIOSHA, Saginaw County Health Department Guidelines and SVSU's Cardinal NEST Plan:

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* 7. Our company will notify SVSU's appropriate parties immediately of any confirmed COVID-19 cases among workers at the worksite. Email:,, and

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* 8. For additional information on SVSU's COVID-19 response and mitigation strategies, please visit Do you have any questions?

Revised: 1/25/2022
Coordinate with your SVSU project manager who your Site-Specific Representative(s) are, the training they have completed and the assembly point for contractor staff for each project on campus.