Contact Information

Question Title

1. Name

Question Title

2. Home Address

Question Title

3. Primary Phone

Question Title

4. E-mail Address

Question Title

5. How often are you available to preach?

Question Title

6. I am available in:

Question Title

7. I have the following limitations to consider: 

Question Title

8. Please list the approximate dates and locations of 2 or 3 pulpit supply engagements.  COM will be checking with churches for reports on how these engagements went.

Question Title

9. What would you like people to know about how you preach? (We will post whatever you would like on the pulpit supply page. If you leave this blank, we won’t post anything.)

Question Title

10. If you are a member of another presbytery or denomination, please include your resume, personal information form, ministry profile, or similar document, and provide the name of a judicatory official that can provide a reference check and certification of good standing.

PDF, DOCX, DOC file types only.
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Question Title

11. Please provide any available links to sermons or information about yourself (blog, etc).

Question Title

12. Do you have any sermon manuscripts or other written materials you would like to have available on our website. Please upload them here. Available file formats are pdf or doc/docx.

PDF, DOCX, DOC file types only.
Choose File