As a follow up to the discussion on strategic priorities during the February Global Leaders Exchange Meeting, we are surveying public procurement leaders across the country on top 2018 strategic priorities.  We will provide a summary of the results as soon as available.

Raj Sharma
Chairman - Public Spend Forum

Question Title

* 1.  Contact Information (optional)

SECTION A: Tell us about your organization by selecting one response option.

Question Title

* 2.  What is your role within the procurement function?

Question Title

* 3.  How many total employees are part of your procurement function (reporting up to the chief procurement officer or senior procurement executive)?

Question Title

* 4.  What is your organization’s total annual procurement spend (spending with suppliers) including all products and services.

Question Title

1. Please describe your top 3 challenges.

Question Title

* 2. Please select which of the following are your top 3 priorities for the current year – please select only 3.
If you select more than 3, you will receive an error message that reads, "this question requires an answer." Simply go back and be sure you have only selected 3 responses and click done. You will then get a message that your survey has been completed.