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* 1. Please enter the following information so that I may get to know you better.

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* 2. How old is your youth ice hockey player and what is their gender?

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* 3. How long has your child played? What is their current level of play: ex: Pee Wee AA, Squirt House B Select.

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* 4. I need to know some items to calculate your child's optimal protein needs. Please consider your answers carefully as it will impact my calculations. Thank you.
What is your child's weight in pound or kilograms, height in feet and inches or meters.

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* 5. How many times a week does your player eat fast food? Examples: McDonald's, Burger King, Arby's, Bo Jangles

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* 6. How many 8 ounces servings of milk does your child have every day? (Not cheese, just fluid milk)

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* 7. What is your child's favorite meat? Ex: poultry, fish, beef, eggs, pork, or vegetarian choices

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* 8. What are your short term goals for your youth hockey player? Ex: faster skating, more stamina, fewer cramps, more focus, greater speed, added strength)

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* 9. What are your long term goals for your youth hockey player? (Juniors, College Scholarship, AA team, AAA team, NHL, etc)

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* 10. What is the number one goal you would like your youth ice hockey player to achieve if you decided to work with Kim, Hockey Mom RD?