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* 1. What is your age range?

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* 2. What would you say most accurately describes the reason why you don’t have children?

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* 3. (For those who said they were not interested) What would you say most accurately describes the reason why you are not interested in having children?

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* 4. Are you still considering having children in the future?

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* 5. If you are still considering it, how would you best describe your attitude about it?

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* 6. How would you describe your feelings about not having children?

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* 7. Would you consider having a child on your own?

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* 8. Do you have nieces and nephews? If so, how would you describe your relationship with them?

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* 9. When you found out you were going to be an aunt, did you have a preference on the gender?

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* 10. When people make comments that assume you will have children someday (or when people may have made these comments to you in the past), how does/did it make you feel?

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* 11. What is your reaction to the statistic that 85% of women in the United States will have a child at some point in their lives?

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* 12. If you end up as part of the 15% who never have a child, or are past childbearing age and are part of this group already, what is/would be your attitude about it?

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* 13. What is your reaction to those who say that you’ll never truly understand or know love until you become a parent?

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* 14. If not having children was a decision you consciously made at some point in your past, do you now regret not having them?

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* 15. Is there anything in particular that people say to you regarding having children (or your lack of them) that you particularly like or don’t like?