Thank you for attending Ruane Cunniff’s 2024 Investor Day

We always welcome feedback from our clients and shareholders and are continually looking for ways to improve our event. We would greatly appreciate your thoughts on today’s meeting.

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* 1. Name

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* 2. What is your affiliation with Ruane Cunniff?

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* 3. Have you attended our Investor Day in the past?

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* 4. Did you find the new format of the meeting effective in achieving its objectives?

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* 5. Did you find the addition of the pre-meeting survey this year effective in helping you communicate your questions/concerns?

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* 6. What part of the meeting did you enjoy the most?

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* 7. What questions were the most helpful/interesting to you?

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* 8. Are there investment related questions that were not addressed that you wish we had?

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* 9. Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns?