
The Getting On, Getting Older (GOGO) Project is speaking with older people who inject/use illicit drugs and those who work and/or care for this group with the aim of looking at health and social concerns and supports considered now and into the future. 
Harm Reduction Victoria (HRVic) appreciates your participation. Your responses will help inform the development of resources, training and recommendations for future actions/advocacy for older drug users. A report on the findings of this community consultation will be made available on the HRVic website.
Your responses to this survey are anonymous. We will not ask you for any personally identifying information and the survey has been set up so that your computer IP address will not be recorded.
Your participation in this survey is voluntary. If you do not wish to participate, simply close the browser. You can choose not to answer any question(s). By clicking on the "I agree, start survey" button, this tells us you want to take part in the survey. If you wish to withdraw while completing the survey, simply close the web browser.
Some people may become upset or distressed thinking about the issues in this survey. If this survey raises any concerns for you, you can contact Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636 or Lifeline on 13 1114.
If you would like to contact us to discuss your responses or if you have any questions or concerns, please use the contact details below.
Jane Dicka email:

Question Title

* 1. to continue please select I agree/ start survey

50% of survey complete.