PSYCHED is a new Mental Health Promotion Award Scheme for Cork Workplaces

PSYCHED stands for Positive Support You Can Have Every Day and this Mental Health Promotion Award Scheme is an initiative of Cork Healthy Cities, supported by the Health Service Executive, University College Cork and Cork City Council. The Award Scheme will celebrate efforts made in workplaces across Cork to support the mental well-being of staff, and is aimed at making Cork a Mental Health Promoting City.

PSYCHED aims to:
1. stimulate conversations in the workplace leading to a better understanding of mental health
2. encourage employers to engage with staff to promote and foster mental health in the workplace
3. celebrate commitment, good practice and innovation in mental health promotion in the workplace.

All participating workplaces will be invited by Lord Mayor Cllr Tony Fitzgerald to a celebration in City Hall in March, when successful applicants will be awarded the 2018 PSYCHED Certificate of Recognition.

We hope you are interested in participating. Application is open to every type of workplace: Sole Trader, Emerging Business, Small-Medium Enterprise, Multinational, Not for Profit and Public Service. All you need to do is complete this online application form or alternatively email: for an application form.

For more information go to or contact Tina Neylon, Co-ordinator PSYCHED at 086 603 5552.

Question Title

* 1. Company Details:

Question Title

* 2. Category of Workplace

Question Title

* 3. Description of your Business:

Question Title

* 4. Please describe what your company is doing to improve wellness and mental health in the work place? (Not more than 500 words please)

If you want to upload photos or supporting documentation please send them with the name of your workplace in the Subject Box to    PLEASE NOTE - APPLICATIONS CLOSE ON MARCH 9, 2018.
By submitting this application form you agree to our storage, handling and use of your details, PSYCHED will not share these details with any third party.

Judging / assessment process:
All application forms will be initially reviewed by members of the PSYCHED steering group
Entrants who meet the criteria will be awarded the 2018 PSYCHED Certificate of Recognition.
Judges decisions are final, any canvassing on behalf of any organisation will not be entertained and may result in the disqualification of the nominee.

Applications must be registered by 5pm on Friday March 2nd 2018
Certificates will be presented in Cork City Hall on March 28th 2018.

Photographs will be taken on the night of the awards and may be used for the purposes of publicising and promoting the values and activities of PSYCHED. By submitting this application form you are agreeing to the use of any images taken at the awards ceremony in the manner described.

If you have any questions or queries in relation to the application process please email