Please complete for each session you attend. For those seeking psychology CEs only.

You may complete one question, press DONE to be able to return, and complete other questions at a later time. Be sure to press DONE. You may not be able to see your answers when you come back in but they will be recorded at GCEIC. 

Question Title

* Name:

Question Title

* 1. Complementary Interventions to Behavioral Therapy and Medication in the Treatment of ADHD - Hamm/Draughn   Comments:

Question Title

* The instructor was well prepared.

Question Title

* The instructor was free from bias or stereotyping.

Question Title

* The session description was accurate.

Question Title

* New skills or knowledge were obtained.

Question Title

* The teaching format/length was suitable for the content.

Question Title

* The teaching level was appropriate for the audience.

Question Title

* Visual aids were legible and helpful.

Question Title

* Learning objectives were met.

Question Title

* 2. Utilizing Visual Supports to Enhance Positive Behavior During Daily Transitions - Briceno/Westbrook   Comments:

Question Title

* The instructor was well prepared.

Question Title

* The instructor was free from bias or stereotyping.

Question Title

* The session description was accurate.

Question Title

* New skills or knowledge were obtained.

Question Title

* The teaching format/length was suitable for the content.

Question Title

* The teaching level was appropriate for the audience.

Question Title

* Visual aids were legible and helpful.

Question Title

* Learning objectives were met.

Question Title

* 3. Behavioral Treatment for ADHD: Building Functional a Foundation - Dufrene   Comments:

Question Title

* The instructor was well prepared.

Question Title

* The instructor was free from bias or stereotyping.

Question Title

* The session description was accurate.

Question Title

* New skills or knowledge were obtained.

Question Title

* The teaching format/length was suitable for the content.

Question Title

* The teaching level was appropriate for the audience.

Question Title

* Visual aids were legible and helpful.

Question Title

* Learning objectives were met.

Question Title

* 4. How to Maximize Success of ADHD Management - English   Comments:

Question Title

* The instructor was well prepared.

Question Title

* The instructor was free from bias or stereotyping.

Question Title

* The session description was accurate.

Question Title

* New skills or knowledge were obtained.

Question Title

* The teaching format/length was suitable for the content.

Question Title

* The teaching level was appropriate for the audience.

Question Title

* Visual aids were legible and helpful.

Question Title

* Learning objectives were met.

Question Title

* 5. It's Not Just for Kids: Impulse Control and Distress Tolerance for Women - Smith   Comments:

Question Title

* The instructor was well prepared.

Question Title

* The instructor was free from bias or stereotyping.

Question Title

* The session description was accurate.

Question Title

* New skills or knowledge were obtained.

Question Title

* The teaching format/length was suitable for the content.

Question Title

* The teaching level was appropriate for the audience.

Question Title

* Visual aids were legible and helpful.

Question Title

* Learning objectives were met.

Question Title

* 6. ADHD: The Physical Connection - Felder   Comments:

Question Title

* The instructor was well prepared.

Question Title

* The instructor was free from bias or stereotyping.

Question Title

* The session description was accurate.

Question Title

* New skills or knowledge were obtained.

Question Title

* The teaching format/length was suitable for the content.

Question Title

* The teaching level was appropriate for the audience.

Question Title

* Visual aids were legible and helpful.

Question Title

* Learning objectives were met.

Question Title

* 7. Turning Off the Active Brain: Clinical Evidence and Treatment Options When Insomnia and ADHD Co-Occur - Hamilton   Comments:

Question Title

* The instructor was well prepared.

Question Title

* The instructor was free from bias or stereotyping.

Question Title

* The session description was accurate.

Question Title

* New skills or knowledge were obtained.

Question Title

* The teaching format/length was suitable for the content.

Question Title

* The teaching level was appropriate for the audience.

Question Title

* Visual aids were legible and helpful.

Question Title

* Learning objectives were met.

Question Title

* 8. Emotional Impulsivity - Morgan    Comments:

Question Title

* The instructor was well prepared.

Question Title

* The instructor was free from bias or stereotyping.

Question Title

* The session description was accurate.

Question Title

* New skills or knowledge were obtained.

Question Title

* The teaching format/length was suitable for the content.

Question Title

* The teaching level was appropriate for the audience.

Question Title

* Visual aids were legible and helpful.

Question Title

* Learning objectives were met.

Question Title

* 9. What is Dyslexia Therapy and Why is it Necessary? - George    Comments:

Question Title

* The instructor was well prepared.

Question Title

* The instructor was free from bias or stereotyping.

Question Title

* The session description was accurate.

Question Title

* New skills or knowledge were obtained.

Question Title

* The teaching format/length was suitable for the content.

Question Title

* The teaching level was appropriate for the audience.

Question Title

* The teaching level was appropriate for the audience.

Question Title

* Visual aids were legible and helpful.

Question Title

* Learning objectives were met.

Question Title

* 10. The Reality of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders - Hamm    Comments:

Question Title

* The instructor was well prepared.

Question Title

* The instructor was free from bias or stereotyping.

Question Title

* The session description was accurate.

Question Title

* New skills or knowledge were obtained.

Question Title

* The teaching format/length was suitable for the content.

Question Title

* Visual aids were legible and helpful.

Question Title

* Learning objectives were met.

Question Title

* 11. They Why, the How, and the What: Medication's Role in Helping Children and Adolescents with ADHD - Shook    Comments:

Question Title

* The instructor was well prepared.

Question Title

* The instructor was free from bias or stereotyping.

Question Title

* The session description was accurate.

Question Title

* New skills or knowledge were obtained.

Question Title

* The teaching format/length was suitable for the content.

Question Title

* The teaching level was appropriate for the audience.

Question Title

* Visual aids were legible and helpful.

Question Title

* Learning objectives were met.