Question Title

* 1. I am

Question Title

* 2. I am a

Question Title

* 3. I am an alumnae(us) of....

Question Title

* 4. I've been an NCMS member for

Question Title

* 5. My specialty is....

Question Title

* 6. I most frequently get my general news from....(check all that apply)

Question Title

* 7. I most frequently read the following medical publications (select three)

Question Title

* 8. To get regulatory or legislative news that pertains to your practice or healthcare in general, do you access (select all that apply)

Question Title

* 9. I read the NCMS Bulletin

Question Title

* 10. I visit the NCMS website

Question Title

* 11. When I receive an e-mail from NCMS I usually

Question Title

* 12. I currently use social media to connect with colleagues (e.g.Facebook, Twitter, YouTube)

Question Title

* 13. I would like to learn more about using social media to get information important to the practice of medicine.

Question Title

* 14. Are you aware that medical liability (tort) reform was passed last year in North Carolina?

Question Title

* 15. How would you describe the NCMS's involvement in getting tort reform passed into law?

Question Title

* 16. NCMS provides ____________ useful information to me.

Question Title

* 17. I would like NCMS to provide more (check all that apply)

50% of survey complete.