
Hello and thank you for your interest in Pro$, the premier digital sports community dedicated to covering the upper management layer of professional sports teams including owners, general managers, and coaches. Pro$ provides insightful, unique, and fun coverage of the pro sports power brokers: the ‘kings’ who own and operate pro teams in the four major leagues (NFL, NBA, MLB and NHL). Pro$ is the only media destination that focuses on the moves and implications of front office operations affecting everything from the people who live in the cities where the team plays, through to the team’s players and the results on the scoreboard.

The cornerstone for success at Pro$ is your potential involvement as a Content Manager (CM) who can create and curate compelling content and dialogue surrounding the fascinating lives of today's professional sports team power brokers. To be successful as an CM, you are not just passionate about your favorite teams, but you are savvy and sharp about how to create and manage a compelling community where people will want to visit and engage. 

Thanks again for your interest in Pro$ and for taking the following application. You will hear from P$K shortly about the status of your application. 


Michael Hess